Home / Council Meetings
Council Meetings
Amersham Town Council meets regularly to conduct the business of running the Council services, events and facilities. Most meetings take place in the Council Chamber at Flint Barn Court, Church Street, Old Amersham HP7 0DB. All meetings are open to the public.
Please contact the Town Clerk if you wish to speak to the Councillors before the meeting begins. You are most welcome to stay for the whole meeting but you may not participate once the formal meeting begins.
Each cycle of meetings will see the following Committees meet:
- Community Services Committee
- Planning and Footpaths Committee
- Finance and General Purposes Committee
Meetings of the full Council will then take place to ratify or to discuss further the decisions taken at Committee. The full Council has the power to endorse/amend/rescind a recommendation from a Committee.
The calendar lists all forthcoming Council meetings. Council and Committee members are listed on the pages for the Full Council and the respective Committees.
You can browse past minutes through drop-down lists.
If you would like to attend one of the meetings, please email townclerk@amersham-tc.gov.uk
Forthcoming Meetings
Council and Committee Meetings commence at 19.30 hrs in the Council Chamber, Amersham Town Council, Flint Barn Court, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB, unless otherwise stated in the Notice of Meeting.