Street Lights

street lights in amersham

Amersham Town Council owns and maintains 913 street lights throughout Amersham.

Amersham Town Council has replaced all old-style street light bulbs with LEDs. The directional light is brighter from LED and colour generated is more sympathetic to residential areas. The LED lights are initially more expensive but last longer and use far less energy.

However, not all of the street lights are our responsibility: some on the major roads are maintained by Bucks County Council.


The columns that support the street lights are often at risk of being hit by passing traffic. If you see a street light out, or think a column is starting to lean, then you can e-mail us using the table below:

  1. Clicking on a street name will reveal a list of the street lights in that road.
  2. Find the relevant street light and click on it.
  3. This will open a new e-mail message with the specific street light already named in the header.

In urgent cases, please inform us immediately by contacting the Town Council Office on 01494 434000.

How can we help you?

The Town Council offers a range of good value services and facilities to Amersham residents and visitors.

We are committed to improving the quality of our facilities and we value your comments and feedback on future improvements.

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