Amersham Town Council

Amersham Town Council Crest Amersham is a vibrant, flourishing town set in the heart of the beautiful Chilterns, with approximately 17,000 residents. Amersham is blessed with a picturesque Old Town combined with the thriving, metropolitan Amersham on the Hill, making it popular with growing young families looking for a sense of village life just outside the Capital.

Amersham Town Council is the parish authority for the town of Amersham and is the second tier of local Government, after the Buckinghamshire Council. With the added bonus of being closest to the heart of the community, Amersham Town Council is committed to delivering a high standard of service to its residents, aided by experienced Town Councillors and dedicated staff.  The Town Council supplements the provision of local Government services in Amersham and provides a range of social and recreational facilities while promoting and representing the town with other national and statutory bodies.

The Town Council often works in partnership with Buckinghamshire Council however we maintain our remit of representing residents at “grass roots” level on all community matters. More information on the different powers and duties of the two levels of Council can be found on our Contacts page.

How can we help you?

The Town Council offers a range of good value services and facilities to Amersham residents and visitors.

We are committed to improving the quality of our facilities and we value your comments and feedback on future improvements.

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