Notice of Vacancy
Local Government Act 1972- Sections 87 and 89
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Councillor Jason Keeler a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of a TOWN Councillor for Amersham Town Council, Amersham-on-the-Hill Ward.
In accordance with Section 89 (3), Local Government Act 1972, when a casual vacancy occurs at a parish council in the six months before the date on which that elected member would have ordinarily retired the parish council may fill the vacancy by co-option for the remaining term of office. This vacancy occurred within 6 months of scheduled elections on 1 May 2025 so no by election can be held to fill the vacancy.
Dated: 11th November 2024
Signed: Elizabeth Richardson – Town Clerk Finance & Policy
Amersham Town Council
Flint Barn Court
Church Street
Amersham HP7 0DB