Category Archives: Water

Saving Water
Using less water day-to-day will not only save you money and divert less water from our rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep the environment healthy, but can also reduce water and wastewater treatment costs and the amount of energy used to treat, pump, and heat water. Here are some top tips to consider for […]
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Turning grey to green (and saving water)
We can take a variety of steps to re-use water, in the absence of much needed rain. Washing up water and other “grey” water can be poured onto outdoor plants instead of down the sink. Before you get into the shower, and while you wait for the water to run warm, you can collect the […]
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River Misbourne Habitat Improvement Works
For further information on the River Misbourne improvement works at Barn Meadow and Pondwicks, please click on the QR codes below or pop along to one of the drop in sessions at Barn Meadow Pavilion on Monday 13 June. You views on the plan are very important.
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