Amersham Volunteer Awards | Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 6.45pm | Kings Church, Raans Road, Amersham, HP6 6LX

February 4, 2025

Amersham Town Council is inviting nominations to recognise people who give up some of their time to support others, the community and our town. Hosted by Mayor of Amersham, Cllr Dominic Pinkney, the non-competitive Amersham Volunteer Awards will take place on 12th March at 6.45pm at Kings Church on Raans Road.

All volunteers nominated using our quick and easy process will be recognised with an award certificate. If there is someone in your charity, community group or in your street who you think should be recognised for what they do, whether a lot or a little, then all you need to do to nominate is send an email to with the following four pieces of information:

  1. Who are you nominating?

Please supply us with the name of the individual you are nominating. If you would like to nominate a team* then please tell us the team’s name and the individuals within it to be recognised. If you are nominating more than one individual or team, then please send one email per nomination.

2. Their contact details (email preferred) to invite them to the awards

We will keep their details just for the purpose of contacting them about the awards but will not retain them after the event. If you would prefer to invite them, then please let us know and confirm their attendance to be included on the night.

3. Why are you nominating them for an award?

Please tell us in one hundred words or less why this person or team should win an award. This text will be read out at the awards ceremony when the person or team is called up to collect their award.

4. Who is nominating them?

Please let us know your name and/or organisation/group who is nominating the person or team for an award.

The deadline for submitting applications is 11:59pm on Friday 7 March 2025.

*We are limiting nominations, which can for an individual or a team, to 10 per person/organisation so if you had more than 10 individuals you will need to group some into teams. For example, you could nominate 5 individuals as well as nominating 2 groups of 6, this would count as 7 nominations.

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