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Our Environment

We all value our environment, whether it’s the built or the natural environment. The Council is committed to looking after both, with climate change in mind. There are many ways in which residents and businesses can work together to support the environment.

This page aims to draw together useful information to assist in identifying ways in which we can, individually and collectively, look after our environment and help counter climate change.

Buildings (Homes and Energy)

ENERGY (Sources including renewables) Energy ( gas and electricity) are essential but the kind of energy used can make a big difference to the level of carbon emissions generated and therefore the impact on the climate. Renewable energy (e.g. from solar panels and wind farms) is not based on fossil fuels and so is much […]

Carbon footprint and Climate

CARBON FOOTPRINT AND WHAT IT MEANS Global warming and the resulting change in the climate is attributed to excessive gas emissions over time. To combat climate change and its consequences (such as severe storms, flooding, and heatwaves) we need to reduce gas emissions. A carbon footprint corresponds to the whole amount of greenhouses gases or “GHGs” […]

Consumers and Sustainability

We are all consumers: we all buy things and what we buy and where can make a big difference to our carbon footprint. Whether it is food, clothes, energy, a vehicle, we all “consume” every day. Buying less, and making it last longer, including making repairs, and buying secondhand can help. When you no longer […]

Food and Farming

The global livestock industry accounts for 14% of annual greenhouse emissions, meat production has been devastating in some parts of the world e.g., Brazil, where the Amazon Forest has been destroyed to make way for cattle farms (Brazil exports 70% of the food it produces including beef in particular). Cutting down on red meat helps […]

Gardens and Green Spaces

GARDENING Some gardening products and practices are not environmentally friendly. For example, a peat bog is very good at locking up carbon and conversely a peat based compost is not environmentally friendly. There are plenty of good peat-free composts on the market to choose from. Similarly weed killers and insecticides can have a very damaging […]

Recycling and Repairs

RECYCLING There are lots of ways to recycle most things we consume these days. This includes plastics and packaging, paper, glass, electrical equipment, batteries, water filters and clothes to name but a few. It is important to remember, when you are throwing things away, to distinguish between what is relatively clean and can be recycled […]

Transport including flying

There are a number of options available for travelling in and around Amersham, other than by a petrol or diesel vehicle which are more climate friendly, in that they entail lower or no carbon emissions. BUSES Amersham is on a number of bus routes. The links below list the bus timetables and give a map […]


Water is a very precious resource but most of us waste a lot on a daily basis. A SHOWER, NOT A BATH Running a bath takes about 35 gallons of water. A five-minute shower uses about 12 gallons with an “average” shower head. You can save more water by cutting your shower time: every minute […]


Recent News

Electrical Safety

March 12, 2025

ELECTRICAL SAFETY Amersham Town Council is pleased  to support the Safety of Lithium Batteries Campaign run by the  charity Electrical Safety First, to ensure the safety of Lithium-ion batteries. The campaign has the support of a large number of organisations including local councils.  The campaign is designed to save lives and cut down on fires […]

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Lithium Batteries Safety

March 12, 2025

Safety of Lithium Batteries Campaign  Amersham Town Council has been invited to support the Safety of Lithium Batteries Campaign  by the  charity Electrical Safety First, to ensure the safety of Lithium-ion batteries. The campaign has the support of a large number of organisations including local councils.  The town council is pleased to add its support […]

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Local Recycling Scheme

February 19, 2025

We would like to update you on the recycling scheme that ATC help with. ATC, working with Medic to Medic,  have helped with recycling items that would otherwise have ended up in landfill. Medic to Medic is a charity which raises money to train healthcare workers in Malawi.

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Environment Latest News Feb 2025

February 3, 2025

Now February is upon us and spring is on the way it’s time to finish the winter garden jobs and help our feathered friends. For advice on feeding the birds (particularly now that bird flu is prevalent) see If you are pruning hedges, shrubs and climbers, be careful not to disturb any birds that […]

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