Community Services Committee
The Community Services Committee looks after all the major facilities, Civic events and special Community projects in Amersham. The facilities include ongoing care of the playgrounds; sports fields; allotments and cemeteries. The Civic events include the regular Band Concerts; Arts Festival; Heritage Day; Christmas Carol Service and the all year round Amersham in Bloom. This Committee works closely with Community Groups around Amersham.
Community Services Committee Members
- Councillor J. Barnes (Chair)
- Councillor R. Dineley (Vice)
- Councillor M. Flys
- Councillor V. Head
- Councillor C. Jones
- Councillor J. Keeler
- Councillor A. Lamont
- Councillor D. Pinkney
- Councillor S. Scott-James
- Councillor S. Woodhead
Members on this Committee make up the following Sub Committees:
- Amersham in Bloom Group
- Heritage Day Sub Committee
- Christmas Sub Committee (Christmas Lights and Carol Service)
Amersham Festival of Art also reports to this Committee.
Forthcoming Meetings
Council and Committee Meetings commence at 19.30 hrs in the Council Chamber, Amersham Town Council, Flint Barn Court, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB, unless otherwise stated in the Notice of Meeting.